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A Música Portuguesa

Em terras Em todas as fronteiras Seja bem vindo quem vier por bem Se alguém houver que não queira Trá-lo contigo também

A Música Portuguesa

Em terras Em todas as fronteiras Seja bem vindo quem vier por bem Se alguém houver que não queira Trá-lo contigo também

  Letra   You don´t have to wait, I´m falling ahead All people die you don´t have to be sad Holding the last breath, I think I can hold’em awhile You just keep on running till you find yourself out of this mile Things on the run start together You don´t have to fall, i´m standing for you But I will look up right into the Blue They´re getting closer now riding their horses for fun To think we got so far just to find ourselves on the run Keep moving on till you find that (...)
  Letra   Chopping a man´s head on channel one, I keep on going Hoping to spot you on channel two, I keep on mowing You brighten up my life, I wish you were my wife But I can´t get out there But I can´t get out there My mind is set on you. Cutting the trees down on channel three, I feel like dying Playing your song now on channel four, I feel I´m winning You brighten up my life, I wish you were my wife But I can´t get out there, But I can´t get out there My mind is set on you. Kil (...)
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